The occupational therapy team at Kinetic Edge specializes in treating clients with hand, wrist, or elbow problems, as well as motor skill delays and reflex and sensory processing issues. In addition to our adult occupation therapy sessions, we also offer pediatric occupational therapy to children and their families. Occupational therapists are available at our Ames, Des Moines, Newton, Oskaloosa and Pella clinics.
Occupational therapy is dedicated to helping people participate in everyday tasks and activities, particularly surrounding motor skills, balance, and coordination. Therapists help clients through holistic approaches to everyday activities (occupations) to help the clients succeed in their goals. Strategies are devised based on the specific needs of the client and can involve individual targeted therapy, optimizing the client’s environment to fit their needs, or a combination of the two.
The professionals at Kinetic Edge specialize in pediatric occupational therapy to further assist the mental and physical development of the children we meet. Occupational therapy can help children overcome many different types of struggles. Kids with food aversions, problems paying attention, balance and coordination difficulties, or delays in fine motor skill development can all benefit from therapeutic interventions.
Once an occupational therapist evaluates your child, he or she will select activities that your child finds interesting and meaningful to work towards their individual therapeutic goals. Therapy sessions that children perceive as fun, motivating, and playful are essential to helping them thrive and excel. The occupational therapist will plan specific tasks for your child to meet goals and use creative strategies to achieve their objectives.
If you’ve been wondering “why is my child a picky eater” or if you’re looking for bed wetting solutions, the team at Kinetic Edge may be able to help you and your child. To learn more about our reflex integration therapy sessions or to schedule your child for an appointment, please feel free to request online or give us a call at 866-588-0230! Our occupational therapists are proud to serve clients in the Ames, Newton, Oskaloosa, Pella, and Des Moines communities.