Work Injury Prevention | Des Moines, Ames & Pella, IA | Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy
Worker Performance

Work Injury Prevention Services in Iowa

Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy knows the demands of work can result in many physical challenges which limit worker performance. Like equipment, people sometimes break down or function inefficiently. These challenges are costly for everyone – employers, employees, and consumers alike. Whether you are an employee or a business owner, worker performance should be important to you.

At Kinetic Edge, our unique and expansive knowledge about the function of workers, the demands of the work, and efficient work behaviors allow us to create unique solutions that reduce injury risk, enhance worker comfort, and maximize movement potential. Check out the many programs we have to offer!

Ergonomic Training: Employers are given direction on establishing an Ergonomics Team or Program that correlates with OSHA’s guidelines. Recommendations are provided for making the work environment safer and the work more productive. Training can be customized for either supervisors or employees and will answer specific ergonomic issues or questions of the employer.

Functional Capacity Evaluation: Kinetic Edge performs the WorkWell Functional Capacity Evaluation (FCE). This comprehensive, work-related test assesses an individual’s physical ability to do a specific job or activity and aids in developing a safe return to work program. The report clearly describes the tasks a worker could perform in a typical workday. When the FCE is complete, the worker understands his or her capacity, the physician can feel confident in the release to work, and the employer knows specific job matches.

Functional Job Analysis: We assess the work, worker, and work site and then provide employers with guidelines for safety and recommendations on new work area designs and adaptive equipment. This analysis can assist with developing functional job descriptions by defining the essential functions and critical physical demands of jobs in accordance with the ADA.

PreWork Screening: This program provides employers with specific information on the relationship between the critical demands of a job and the physical capabilities of the potential workers. The screens are developed to measure functional capabilities that meet the intent of ADA non-discrimination statements. It matches the right worker to the right work. These screens are done following an offer of employment, and hiring is contingent upon successful completion of the screen.

Drug Screen Collection: As a convenience to employers, we offer a drug screen collection service. Our professionals are trained to perform both DOT and non-DOT collections. We instruct and oversee employees throughout the drug screen process. The specimen is sent to a certified laboratory for testing, and the employer generally receives screen results within two days of the date of collection.

Functional Injury Prevention: This is an evaluation of functional stretching and strengthening which helps prevent knee, ankle, back and other joint and muscle injuries. After the evaluation, we provide an assessment and exercise recommendations.

Injury Consultation: We assess common injuries such as plantar fasciitis, knee pain, Achilles tendinitis, and hip pain. Options for treatment include exercise programs, further physical therapy treatment, or a referral to another healthcare professional will be given.

Work Conditioning: With the goal of returning to work in a safe, timely manner, this program strengthens an individual’s abilities by simulating job duties. The conditioning is performed for a defined length of time (i.e. two to four weeks) to gradually increase the employee’s tolerance for the job’s physical demands. Programs can be established either onsite at the company or through an arrangement with a local clinic.

Stretch and Flex® and F.A.ST. (Flexibility, Agility, Strength Training): These custom programs implement dynamic stretching tailored to individual needs to prevent work-related injuries.

Call Us Now at 866-588-0230 for More Information About Preventing Work Injuries

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