Did you know that it is scientifically proven that the trait of gratitude is one of the top three strengths that predicts well-being? We challenged our team members to share something special they’re thankful for this year. Here’s what they had to say:
This year, I am very thankful for my wife. After spending a lot of time in separate parts of the US over the past few years, it is awesome to just be together. She makes me laugh, is more patient with me than I deserve, forces me to get up and workout in the morning, and encourages me when I am down. I am very thankful to have her as my best friend and the best teammate for life I could have asked for.
– Physical Therapist Jared Gerber
I am so thankful for my wife Denise and our three wonderful children. God has blessed us immensely. The picture is from the Wonderfully Made Family Camp we went to this past summer at Hidden Acres. We are looking forward to connecting with other families with kids with special needs again next summer at camp!
– Physical Therapist Todd Schemper
I am thankful for my parents! Let’s face it, without them I wouldn’t be here. They have taught me more life lessons than I can name. I know they are only a phone call away for advice or just to talk about my day. Thanks for all you do, I couldn’t have asked for better parents!
– Physical Therapist Melissa Hansen
Where to begin – I have been blessed, amazed, blown away, and overly grateful for family and friends on numerous accounts in just this month of November. As Mike and I have been preparing for our wedding day over the past few months we have been continuously reminded of how thankful we are for our parents. We have both been blessed in more ways that we can even name from the effort our parent’s put forth in raising us in loving, supportive, Christian homes. As Mike and I begin this new journey of marriage together – we can only hope to follow in our parents’ footsteps as we build a Christian foundation together to prepare for a future family of our own. Whether we need love, laughs, lectures, or advice on life – our parents are always there for us and we could not be more blessed.
– Physical Therapist Whitney Vander Veen
I am thankful for my parents. They have instilled in me a desire to work hard and serve others by the example they set. I realize how fortunate I am to have been raised by them.
– Physical Therapist Tim Vander Wilt
I thank God daily for my husband, Eric, who is my rock and truly a blessing from God. I am also thankful that God gave me my children, Aracelli and Andrew. They have taught me how to love unconditionally. It has been amazing watching them grow and mature and become awesome little people.
– Physical Therapist Assistant Heather Pilcher
As I look back on 2017, I am especially grateful for a good, old fashioned road trip my family took to Yellowstone and The Grand Tetons. We were stunned by the beauty of God’s creation while enjoying our time together with very few distractions of technology (which was an added bonus)! It was time spent together that will be cherished forever!
– Elise Spronk, Occupational Therapist
I’m grateful for the the title of Auntie this year. On July 21, we welcomed our nephew Grant to the Klyn family, and exactly three weeks later, my sister shared the exciting news that they were expecting as well. This is the first baby on my side of the family, and we are all looking forward to meeting him/her come March. Three of my closest friends also welcomed a baby this year or will soon. It’s been so special getting to venture alongside the journey of pregnancy and motherhood with some of the women I respect and admire most. I’m so grateful for the ways they’ve let me share in their excitement, their struggles, and their children’s lives with the role of Aunt Lindsey – even if that wasn’t earned by blood.
– Marketing Specialist Lindsey Klyn
I am incredibly thankful for family and friends who are like family. We have enjoyed adventures, navigated new stages of life and experienced so many blessings this year!
– Physical Therapist Carol Kelderman
I’ve never felt guided by God as much as I have this year. I took a leap of faith and left a job I loved and had been at for almost 12 years to stay home with my daughter for the summer. Within two weeks of leaving that job, my daughter had emergency surgery to replace her VP shunt. Within a couple weeks of that surgery she was back for another emergency surgery to have it replaced yet again. I was so thankful that I could stay by her side the entire time and not have to worry about anything else. As the summer came to an end and Delaney was feeling much better, I knew I should look for a job again. I had an offer for a job where I would work nights and was seriously considering it when unexpectedly Carol brought up the possibility of working for Kinetic Edge. Needless to say, that worked out and I’m so thankful she thought of me for this position. I really enjoy my new work family!
– Office Assistant Stacy Crouse
I am thankful for my family. My family has gone through a magnitude of change and trials during the past year, but have come out stronger together in the end. The biggest thing that my family has gone through during the past year is my mom having cancer, being in remission, and the cancer coming back. Through that time, my family has been a rock and has come together to help each other out during the hard times. Most of all I am thankful for my mom. My mom has been the biggest rock of all. Even though she is the one going to cancer treatment, she is still the most positive, loving, caring, and servant hearted person. She has shown my family how to love everyone, be thankful for the small things in life, and the serve people who are less fortunate than us.
– Athletic Trainer Erica Guinane
I feel like I have so much to be grateful for this year – I’ll stick to my top 3! First and foremost, would be my husband. This year has been fairly eventful and he has been my rock through it all. There is no one else I would rather go through this crazy, beautiful thing called life with! Second, I am grateful for our home. We purchased our first house in March. It has not only been a lot of work, but also a lot of fun being first time homeowners and making our place truly “ours”. Last, but certainly not least, I am thankful for the team and our clients at Kinetic Edge. I am so glad to have joined a wonderful company that enables me to serve, learn, and continue to grow among genuinely great people who value and respect me.
– Physical Therapist Kaity Hall
Typically when asked what I am most thankful for there are many ideas that flood to my brain and I have a difficult time choosing just one! This year it is quite simple. I am so incredibly thankful for my husband, Spencer. Many people know him as a quiet, keep it to himself kind of guy but this is one of his qualities that I admire most about him. He is the calm to my crazy and one of the hardest working men I know. He serves our family and friends with his whole heart and does so with humility. I am so grateful for his love!
– Occupational Therapist and Athletic Trainer Ashley Beekman
I am grateful for my village. You know the people who are always there for you. The ones that will laugh with or at you, cry with you. You can tell them anything and know that they won’t judge you. Give you support when you need it. Bring a meal if needed. Will drop everything to come in an emergency, pray for you or a family member without question. Some of them you may not see for days, weeks or months but nothing ever changes. The unconditional love is still there. This picture is only of few of my village. I am so grateful to have all these people in my corner. God is so good!
– Office Assistant Marjie Rinehart
I am especially thankful that my parents and grandparents who raised me on our century farm in Page County. Through my formative years Byron, Ruby, Ed & Carol Scotton modeled work ethic, community support, and respect for people and nature. In my adult years I am thankful for all the love and support I have received from my immediate and extended family members, as well as the people of all my communities: educational, residential, athletic, faith, and recreational.
– Physical Therapist Matt Scotton
I’m thankful for “The Clan”, which is my sister Sara and our cousins Cory & Kyle. Although we’re cousins, we’ve always considered each other to be more like siblings. (Probably because if we were actually siblings, we would have made our parents go crazy…or crazier than we already did ) Over the years, we’ve been there for each other through highs, lows, and everything in between. Since life has taken us to different parts of Iowa, we’ve had to get creative with ways to see each other. This also makes me thankful for Snapchat, group text messages, and virtual game nights! It also makes our time together that much more special. Within the next 8 months our “Clan” will grow to include Cory’s fiancé Courtney & Kyle’s fiancé Hanna, and I couldn’t be happier to add to these two to our family!
– Assistant Office Manager Kimmy Van Zee