Did you know that it is scientifically proven that the trait of gratitude is one of the top three strengths that predicts well-being? We challenged our team members to share something special they’re thankful for this year. Here’s what they had to say:
I’m thankful for my college roommates who have turned into my closest friends. I’m thankful for the sense of humor we share, the baseball we love, and the fun we always have together. We may not be able to see each other often, but when we do it’s like no time has passed at all. I’m also thankful to Apple for the iPhone’s group messaging, so that we can stay in contact with each other always.
– Amanda Enochs, Athletic Trainer
On September 28th my wife gave birth to our third child, a baby girl. In my life there have been few moments where I have experienced such a pure joy. We smiled, laughed and cried as we held this little life close. Our hearts were full and so very grateful for this precious gift.
Holding her in our arms, we blessed her with the name Annie Pearl. The name Annie means grace which we experienced as a theme throughout the pregnancy. Again and again, God revealed his grace to us not only in times of joy but during some significant challenges. Through these moments we discovered a newfound hope in Christ and a trust for those in our life who are most important, our children. We chose the name Pearl from a group of stories from Matthew which speak to the treasure we have found in Christ. We long to offer our lives fully at home, at work and in the community out of a response to the great gift we have received.
Annie has been a wonderful addition to our family. She is sweet and easy going (she must have a sense there are two more children under the age of three in the house) and our children have embraced her as their sister. We have quickly grown quite fond of this little lady and in this season of thanksgiving, could not be more grateful for this blessing of ours.
-Joel Watters, Physical Therapist
Meet Captain and Molly. Molly is a puggle and Captain is a Corgi. They are 10 and 11 years old respectively. They are both rescues from when I lived in Texas. Captain is from the SPCA (society for the prevention of cruelty to animals).
He was there for over a year because he was heartworm positive. Molly was a stray I adopted from the local pound. She was going to be put down due to overcrowding, and she’s black and black dogs are the least likely to be adopted. I am grateful for them because they think I’m the best person ever and sleep on my head in the winter to keep me warm.
– Kayla Landhuis, Office Assistant
I have been a member of St. Mary’s Catholic church all my life. This pew has been there though all the changes in my life. Joyous occasions like marriage, baptisms, confirmation, but also low points in my life like the funeral of my father. I have cried tears of joy in this pew but also tears of sadness. I have knelt before my Lord pouring out my heart and soul, asking for forgiveness, begging for guidance, and offering praise and thanksgiving to Him. I have sat and listened to countless sermons; some touched my heart, some felt like they were directed only to me, some made me laugh, and some caused me to cry.
I am so grateful for living in a country that I can worship without fear, and that I can share my faith with family, co-workers and friends. I am so grateful for my faith!
– Marjie Rinehart, Office Assistant
I am grateful for the gifts we receive through generations that have gone before us that we can pass down to the generations that come behind us. When Scott, my husband, was first getting to know me and my family 19 years ago, he called my Grandma Bos “one”, my mom “two”, and me “three” because the apples didn’t fall far from the tree. I probably don’t carry as many similarities in looks and mannerisms as my grandma and mom do, but to think that I’d be anything like them is a great honor.
-Elise Spronk, Occupational Therapist
I’ve had two careers before becoming a physical therapist, the first as an editor for a book publisher, the second as an account manager in advertising. The first was fun and rewarding but difficult to pursue here in the Midwest. The second was occasionally fun, but not very rewarding. When I decided to pursue physical therapy, I knew I wanted to do something that permitted me to be directly useful to other people, where at the end of the day, I’d know I’d made a concrete contribution to someone else’s well-being. So this year, I’m grateful for having the opportunity to work at Kinetic Edge and to help people get better.
– Physical Therapist Rick Hill
I have so many things to be grateful for, and November is such a great time to reflect on the many blessings in my life. Since it’s my mother-in-law’s birthday today, I’d like to share why I’m so thankful for her. She gave birth to the boy who turned out to be my favorite person in the world. She prayed over him, protected him, and raised him to love the Lord. She’s selfless, a prayer warrior, and servant-hearted. She’s always up for a good prank and goes out of her way to make people feel loved and special. She shares my love of all things vintage, playing piano, and DIY projects.
So happy birthday to one of my biggest role models and best friends. I’m so thankful for you.
– Marketing Specialist Lindsey Klyn
Each and every day I am beyond thankful for the amazing family that God has blessed me with, but this year I am especially thankful for someone who has done the little things to help Spencer and I begin our new lives at our wedding and in our home: my dad.
He has sacrificed his own time, finances, miles and given extraordinary amounts of hard work selflessly out of love for us. You have shared your many talents with us: landscaping, singing, praying and caring for our dogs; you’ve done it all. Dad your ambition and kindness touches our hearts more deeply than we can explain and we are immensely thankful for everything you do for not just Spencer and I, but for our entire family!
– Occupational Therapy Assistant and Athletic Trainer Ashley Beekman
I am so thankful for my FAMILY!! There is never a dull moment when we are all together, I can always find someone to take on the next big adventure with, and there is never a lack of love and support in anything we do. I am so glad that they are my family.
(We also all love cheering on the Cyclones if you couldn’t tell!)
– Office Assistant Abi Weidemann
I am thankful for a lot of things, great family, great coworkers, a job that keeps me fulfilled but a unique thing I am thankful for is the opportunity to be a volunteer for the New Sharon Fire & Rescue department. Helping to save lives and property and mitigate loss in times of disaster and emergency are truly inspiring to me. I can remember when I was little and spending a lot of time around the old fire station with my dad as we was a 25 year member of the department and I would go on calls sometimes. As I grew older and got in the health profession I decided to become an EMT and am now director of the ambulance service, a firefighter, and hazmat technician. I have gotten involved in all aspects of the department and enjoy the friendships that have been made in the community as well as other communities. While lots of time is often sacrificed for meetings, training, and going on calls my family has been supportive and my children enjoy going to the fire station and going on fire truck rides in parades. I am thankful for my community and for my “brothers and sisters” on the department and our ability to serve and respond to emergencies in our community.
– Health & Injury Management & Prevention Coordinator Dustin Briggs
I know it’s so cliche, but I’m thankful for my family!
– Office & Billing Manager Renae Oppenhuizen
I am very grateful for my teammates and our clients who have made me feel so welcome and supported in my new role with Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy. My teammates have trained me and continue to answer my questions. They have shared their knowledge with me and offered support answering phones, scheduling, and doing documentation.
And to my clients, I truly feel grateful and humbled by your trust in us to help restore your health. Thank you for referring your friends and family members. I feel honored to help so many people in Jasper County!
-Physical Therapist Matt Scotton
Although I’m extremely thankful for the 13 people and two buns in the oven in this picture, I am MOST thankful for the memories we’ve made and the love of the ocean and outdoors we share with our parents.
I’m also grateful for the chance to vacation with all of them this past July in Ft. Myers Beach, FL, which is where this picture was taken.
– Physical Therapist Assistant Heather Pilcher
I am thankful for my family because of their unconditional love for me, the joy they bring to me, and the way they encourage me.
– Physical Therapist Tim Vander Wilt
I am very thankful for my family. They have always been there for me and have been excellent role models. They’re very caring and can always make me laugh. This year, I am very thankful for the new addition to my family. Roxy, my Australian shepherd, joined the family about three months ago.
I had been wanting a dog for quite a while. I have always had collies/shelties growing up, but my sister had talked me into an Australian shepherd. My aunt from North Carolina was back home visiting, and we decided on a whim to go check out some Australian shepherd pups outside of Winterset one night. I kind of had my mind made up that I was going to get a male and name him Rocky but decided to let the dog choose me when I got there.
Roxy came right up to me and didn’t leave my side the whole time we were there. She is such a ball of energy and is always so excited to see me when I get home. She has been great to have around and can always cheer me up if I’m having a down day!
– Physical Therapist Cory Horstmann
I am thankful for our three kids and the many bike rides we’ve enjoyed together.
– Physical Therapist Todd Schemper
I am incredibly thankful for my FAMILY! My mother is the most amazing woman you’ll ever meet. As the youngest of seven, I have been grateful to watch as a blessed and godly heritage continues to unfold from one generation to the next.
And then there are my three awesome children. I have enjoyed every stage as they have grown and changed over the years. But the teen years have been a favorite so far (not even kidding).
And to top it all off, I’m grateful for my husband. Jeff has been my friend and sweetheart since we were practically kids ourselves.
– Physical Therapist Carol Kelderman
This year I am thankful for so many things. I think that when we are first asked what we are thankful for, we immediately think of family, friends, health and the basics of life. Sometimes it can be easier, when asked what you are thankful for, to stick to only those things. I guess in reality, that is what is most important things to most of us.
Other than my obvious choices of my wonderful husband of 15 years and my fabulous kids, I am thankful for my mom. She moved to Pella 6 months ago to be closer to us. We are now building a new and different kind of relationship that you don’t have when you live 1000 miles away and you only see each other 1 time a year. I see how my kids love to have her around and have learned so much from her. She is teaching my daughter to play the piano. That is a precious gift itself. We are privileged to hear her play the piano in church and just be part of our daily lives.
I am also thankful for nature and the beauty of the outdoors. Our family loves to go being active with camping, biking and hiking. I am thankful that we enjoy that time together. We also work together on our house and yard. We have a garden, and having food from our own garden and trees is wonderful. I am thankful for the ability to make things with that food and have the abundance to provide nourishing things for my family.
– Office Assistant Lisa Vos
I am thankful for airplanes. I live 1,600 miles away from my family in California and have used airplanes on many different occasions to make it back home. I have lived this far away for about 11 years now and have racked up many miles in the air. During my time away, I have missed many days with them and my dad passed while I was away also, but airplanes have always been able to get me to where I needed to be. Although with the world the way it is, to fly is a bit scary, but it has always been my saving grace. I will be spending this Thanksgiving with my family and am getting there by way of airplane.
– Occupational Health Nurse Becky Richmond
I am thankful for being able to spend time with family in different areas of the US! In March, we flew to the East Coast to get in a little skiing and snowboarding. During that time, we were also able to meet up with family we hadn’t seen in years. It was awesome having a personal tour guide in Boston and able to spend time in Albany, New York!
In August, we traveled to Hot Springs, Arkansas to meet my brother in-law and sister-in-law and their 3 boys. We were able to meet our new nephew who was already 8 months old! Due to complications during pregnancy, he is a true miracle baby! It was a great few days playing in the lakes and relaxing with family.
– Physical Therapist Melissa Hansen
I’m thankful for my wife of 22 years, Stephanie, and my three great children – Kade (15), Ty (11) and Claire (10). I’m also thankful for great teammates at Kinetic Edge who exude health, happiness, and hope, as well as an undefeated Hawkeye football team and unprecedented success for the Royals after three decades of futility.
– CEO & Physical Therapist Troy Vander Molen