Dizziness and Vertigo | How Physical Therapy Can Help | Kinetic Edge

by Lisa Brekke, PT, DPT

Dizziness and Vertigo are very common issues leading patients to seek medical attention, with an estimated 42% of adults reporting dizziness at some time. Although common in all age groups, both increase in frequency with age. Serving clients throughout Des Moines, IA, and nearby communities visit our website to learn more.

Dizziness and vertigo are used interchangeably but are two different conditions. Both are symptoms of other conditions, rather than independent diagnoses. Vertigo is generally thought of as a sense of spinning, whereas dizziness can be lightheaded, floating, rocking, imbalanced, and/or feeling off.

What Causes Dizziness and Vertigo?

Both symptoms can be caused by many underlying issues including:

  • Dehydration
  • Medications
  • Cardiac
  • Central (MS, strokes, migraine, cerebellar involvement, concussion)
  • Peripheral (BPPV, vestibular neuritis, labyrinthitis, Meniere’s disease)
  • Sensory imbalance (Visual changes, sensory changes, decrease in vestibular function)

*This is not a comprehensive list of causes

How can Physical Therapy Help?

When it comes to treating vertigo, physical therapy can be beneficial in cases where dizziness is due to inner ear conditions, as well as concussions or neck dysfunction (including poor posture). Physical therapy can also really help individuals experiencing vertigo or dizziness due to sensory imbalance issues. When you visit Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy, your physical therapist will tailor your plan specifically to you and the cause of your symptoms.

The duration of your therapy will depend on the cause of your symptoms, how long you have had them, and any other co-morbidities that may be involved. Your vestibular therapist will be able to give you a better timeline after your initial evaluation when they put together your individualized plan.

With locations in Ames, Centerville, Colfax, Des Moines, Newton, Oskaloosa, Pella, and Waukee, the team at Kinetic Edge Physical Therapy has helped individuals from throughout the state of Iowa better understand and treat their vertigo. If you’re experiencing dizziness and vertigo, contact us online or give us a call at 515-309-4706. We’d love to help!